Our week in Maryland was nothing short of heavenly, but afer 11 hours in the car yesterday, it was even MORE heavenly to get out of the car and sleep in our own beds! I love visiting our fabulous family in MD, it's just the drive I could do without! LOL!
We unpacked the truck (with much added drama because Nick our drama king twisted his ankle and proceeded to make enough noise to be heard all the way in Maryland). Then Nick decided he wanted to build the K'nex rollercoaster thing they got for Christmas (which has 1, 118 pieces!)..... at 9 pm, after an 11 hour drive!!!! The answer was NO, the response was a temper tantrum. (pulling my hair out of my head....) I promptly put him to bed, where he belonged. I had a killer headache anyway... so I was ALL DONE with that atttitude before it even started!
Anyway, here is a picture of Dad helping to build it this morning (sorry... cell phone camera pics really aren't the greatest).
(picture removed at hubby's request)
This afternoon, we are going to my brother's house, because my mom and Ray are still here from Florida, and we are having a turkey dinner with them. I can't wait to see them!
Time for me to start unpacking.... we just crashed in bed last night and left the unpacking for today. At least all the laundry is clean... can just move it from the bags to the dressers. YAY! Talk to you all later!
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