Monday, November 22, 2004

Thanksgiving it survivable?

I remember as a school kid, how exciting it was to have an entire week off from school! A whole week (9 days, actually) to sleep in, play with friends, watch TV, and escape the torture of homework! It was glorious! My mom was never as excited as we were... she was actually quite grumpy. I could never figure that out...

Fast forward about 30 years... I find myself on the flip side, and finally understanding her anxiety... two active boys, kings of sibling rivalry, home, together, for 9 days in a row! Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Deliver me! Well, it's not really THAT bad... they have their good moments. They usually get along famously when they are up to something that mom would consider highly unacceptable. The quiet is a key indicator...

Anyway... Thanksgiving. I have to admit that I am VERY thankful for my two boys. They have provided countless blessings, and many teachable moments when God spoke to me through situations they somehow provided. I am looking forward to the lessons that God has waiting in the wings for me this week. Thanksgiving vacation is a time of spiritual growth. And God has promised me He will not give me more than I can bear. He is a good God. Thank you Jesus for my wonderful children! I will enjoy every moment with them that you graciously provide!


Necessary outlet for a closet writer!


Never thought I would see myself attempting this! Blogging is for people who are actually GOOD at it, like Phil Hampton, Wendy Scoggins, and Brad McDonald! I am just a mom in Vermont, trying to make ends meet, raise two boys, and live for Jesus the best that I can in a harsh, post-modern world. I have a fabulous husband, a wonderful church family, and a pastor who is passionate about the fold he shepherds (to visit our church website, click here).

Living in Vermont is a challenge. There are so many reasons for living here: low crime rate, low population rate, gorgeous scenery most months of the year (excluding mud season). The people are friendly, and now outnumber the cows (sorry, gotta live in VT to understand that one!). And the biggest reason of all to live in Vermont if you are an apostolic Christian... so many lost souls. There are VERY few churches up here in the spiritually dark Northeastern United States. The UPC only has 5 small churches in the entire state of over 600,000 people! The strongholds here are not coming down easily. The liberal politics here are nothing short of appalling. And yet, my heart breaks to think of the multitudes who refuse to hear the message. But a former pastor told me once... "the first shall be last and the last shall be first". The state of VT was the LAST of the 50 states to have a United Pentecostal Church established in it.... we are ripe to be the FIRST state to break out in revival that will turn this nation upside down in a day! I have no intention of leaving...I want to be here to RIDE THE WAVES of revival when they break forth!

Yes, the writer in me is just itching to get out... and so, I think I will accept the challenge and take this blogging journey wherever God leads...

Blessings until the next post!