Friday, June 03, 2005

Where are they?

Well... I've never done anything quite like this! My blogging friend Wendy over at has asked all her A/P blogger friends to "weigh in" with their opinions on an article posted on this week's edition of the 90&9 zine. The title of the article is "Where are the Apostolics?", referring to the LACK of web presence apostolics have on the world wide web. I appreciated many of the comments that those interviewed for the article had to offer. In particular, Kent made a profound comment in his introduction that the internet may become so sinful, a sea of darkness, due to lack of sufficient light... the light and hope of Jesus Christ. If the internet is void of the light of truth, it will become a menacingly evil device in which Christians will be able to have no part. We must allow the LIGHT OF HOPE to be available for those who are searching for more to life than darkness and despair.

Our experience here in Vermont is as follows. First, our district (NH/VT UPC) has 11 churches and a few daughter works. Our church is the only one with an actual website. Not that this is bad. The article discussed the difference between websites that minister, and "placeholder" sites, which offer only static information (like service times, message from the pastor, lists of church leaders/musicians, and pictures from a youth rally 2 years previous). These kinds of sites have their place. For example, if apostolics are moving and need a new church to locate near, then EVERY church should have a site with location information and how they can be reached. But they have no way to minister to those who need help or encouragement for their soul. I personally LOVE to hear worship and preaching! There are precious few A/P sites out there with preaching and singing that I can access when I need it (which is OFTEN). My mother-in-law recently pointed me to my BEST FRIEND'S church site in Tennessee (I miss you so much, Britt!) which has several entire services (one including a baby dedication) :) right on the home page available for viewing/hearing! WOW! Sis. Nona Freeman preached a powerfully anointed message on there at the age of 89!! THAT blesses me, and ministers. THAT is the way church sites should be designed... to minister! Our church site is still really really basic and incomplete, but the one thing I love about it, is that there are several recorded services available online to be listened to when I need a lift!

The reasons our own church website is so basic are as follows:
1. Lack of technological know-how. Our webmaster is an amazing guy! No one else in our church had a clue about how to get a website created, up, and running. He is our go-to guy, and we all highly respect him! However, he is not a "professional" techie, and hence we lack the very difficult graphics that make a site so incredibly attractive. That is not criticism. That is simply where we are.
2. Lack of time to devote to the site. Kent made the observation that doing this kind of stuff can take hours and hours of your time, with little to show for it. Our wonderful webmaster is a dad of two beautiful children, husband to one wonderful wife, bread-winner, sound guy at church, etc etc. He doesn't have tons of time to devote to our site. That's just the way it is.
3. Lack of money. Yes, the web is an "inexpensive" way to reach people, but not FREE. Our small church doesn't have the extra money to spend on professional web developers. What you see is what you get... :)

Don't get me wrong! I love that we have a website! I just have a desire for our site to become a tool we can use for outreach purposes. I want to be able to tell someone who is hurting, but not willing to come to my church for whatever reason, "Here, go to our website and check it out in the privacy of your own home, when YOU have the time! You will find so much here that will minister to your hurt/fear/etc."

Kent also made the observation that independent ministries in the evangelical community have MASTERED the web for the purpose of ministry (ie. Focus on the Family, Group Publishing, Christianity Today ). We need to tap into what they are doing RIGHT! Find out how they are doing it! Don't reinvent the wheel. If the organizations we are tied to (UPCI, ALJC, PAW, etc) are unwilling to support this, then we must PULL TOGETHER and make it work... the folks at have been tremendously successful! Look at what they have done... what makes them successful, and do the same!

Well... there you have it... the humble opinions of a northern apostolic mom... living for Jesus here in Vermont! It's longer than I normally post... please don't fall asleep! Most of my posts are MUCH shorter than this one! Check back often... who knows what Wendy will have me up to next?! Blessings to you all!

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