Monday, June 20, 2005

Fun day for all

Today was such a fun day and a special day for everyone in our family for all different reasons. First our youngest: Today Nick's kindergarten class had a sprinkler party! They put on their bathing suits after lunch, and ran through the sprinkler, played in the water table, and made bubbles of all sizes! Ain't kindergarten fun??

Adam, our oldest, had "move up day" today. All the 2nd graders got on a bus and went over to their new school and met their 3rd grade teachers today! Adam has Miss Ahoukas (pronounced a - HO'- kas). He says she seems really nice. Good first impressions are essential! Now he won't spend the summer worrying!

My husband Jason had the distinct privilege of driving his Dad back to the airport in Manchester, NH for the trip back to Germantown, MD. They had EXCELLENT father/son bonding time! Their relationship is growing so deep, and both of them can't seem to spend enough time together to satisfy! It is really neat to see. :)

As for me, I was substitute IA (instructional assistant) again today in Christine Anderson's kindergarten class, and we had an all-school field trip to Airport Park today! It was sunny, blue sky, 80 degrees, nice cool breeze off the lake... it doesn't get any better than that! What a blast we had today!

And to top off our day, a surprise 30th birthday party for my sister-in-law Stacy.... Happy birthday my sweet friend! Love ya!

I am thankful to Jesus for days like this... they balance out the rough spots in life, like we had the day we found out about Julie's passing and Ella's emergency surgery. I love you Jesus! You are the dearest friend I could ever hope to have!

School is out tomorrow! YAY! 70 days of summer vacation (but who's counting??)! 70 days filled with fun! Swimming lessons, church camp, cub scout camp, my mom and Ray's camp on the lake, trip to Maine to go to the beach and see cousins.... I think 70 days will go by quick.

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