Sunday, June 12, 2005

In a word.... HOT

Hot. That would be the word of the day. Hot. Humid. Yuck! Today, we have had a good day! Our 8 year old son decided to make my husband breakfast in bed while I was in the shower. He cooked scrambled eggs and toast with LOTS of extra cinnamon... just the way HE likes it (hee hee hee)... trying to sweeten Dad up a little bit! :) We headed out to church, and then off to Adam's final baseball game of the season (a make-up game, actually). It was my first opportunity to see him as catcher! GREAT JOB, Z-MAN! (His coach calls him the z-factor!) He made a fabulous pop-fly catch to get an out on the Braves... yay Adam! We all got sunburned and nearly died of heat stroke, but it was a fabulous game, worth all the sweat! Thanks Jack, Julie, Ben, and Stacy, for coming out to support Adam today!

Then, it was off the the little town of Orange, VT for a church rally. Word of the day. Hot. Humid. Packed house... REALLY HOT. We had saints there from every church in Vermont! Barre, Chelsea, Jericho, St. Albans, Burlington, Rutland, St. Johnsbury... it was awesome! The atmosphere of praise was powerful! The message was an arrow straight to the heart... the fellowship was so uplifting... the heat... well, we won't go there. Did I mention it was hot?

Here is what God is doing in me. I must become bold about sharing the Gospel with everyone I know. I cannot afford to bury any more friends like Julie (or family members)... lost without the salvation that God's Word demands. I cannot be ashamed of the Gospel! I cannot be afraid of "offending" them! If they die lost, and it was in my power to tell them the truth, I will hang my head in shame when I stand before God. My heart will shatter in the knowledge that it didn't have to be that way. This is what God is speaking to my heart. I must be praying more. I must be bold. The Great Commission is to proclaim the Gospel to EVERY CREATURE! To do any less is disobedience to His Word... sin. What is God speaking to your heart these days?

I love y'all!! Gotta go get in my air conditioned room! Hot.

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