Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Saturday with no plans? Thas amasing!

Today was one of those rare, precious days. Saturday... with NO PLANS! That almost never happens, and I can vouch for it! But today was beautiful! First, I slept in until 9:22 am! That in itself is a gift from God! Also, my boys spent a large amount of time playing with the new game cube Adam got for his birthday last week. They played together...say it with me... together... and they were getting along... and LAUGHING! Another miracle of God. I just LOVE the sound of their laughter. God says that a cheerful heart is good medicine... esp for MOM! LOL! Anyway, I made the boys a hearty candlelight breakfast of bacon, cheesy scrambled eggs, and toast with cinnamon. Mmmm Mmmm! They spent the entire morning playing and laughing together. I spent the entire morning on the phone. I called my mom in Florida and we had a wonderful chat. THEN... I called my dear friend Britt in Mississippi, and we talked for WELL over an hour. It was soooooo great to reconnect and really really talk like we used to when she lived here. I miss her a ton! Well, then we decided to go to the Ultimate Racing Experience at the mall and use Adam's gift certificate from his birthday. Sandini met us there, and so did my brother, who happened to have a gift certificate there, too! We did three races. Sandy rode with Adam, I rode with Nick, and Tim drove solo. Let me just say two words.... MOTION..... SICKNESS. O my word! I was so sick when I climbed out of that car, I was sure I was going to either throw up or pass out. It was bad. The boys had a BLAST!!! On the last race, my brother was in 1st place on the last lap, when Nick decided to take out Uncle Tim! It was hilarious! Anyway, we all sat in the food court and I had a soda to try to settle my woozy innards. Then Tim left, and Sandy, the boys, and I went into FYE to check out some of the Christian CDs. What a blast! We were singing out loud and worshipping right there in the store. Sandy bought Toby Mac's "Welcome to Diverse City" CD and Byron Cage's new one called "An Invitation to Worship". Both awesome choices. On our way out of the mall, we ran into Sue Hazenburg and Grace and Adele. OH yeah, we also saw Donna and Andrea right after the racing, but I was too sick to socialize. I probably looked green around the gills.

But by far the best part of the day occurred this evening while putting the boys to bed. I always read what we call DEVO (Bible devotion) before lights out. But tonight, DAD held the honor, because he was actually HOME! *gasp* Anyway, the boys begged him to read in a funny voice, so he read in a chinese voice, and it was hilarious!!! We could hardly breathe! And even though it was fun, the message got through loud and clear. He read about Joseph and his brothers. My favorite part was when he was going over the names of the other brothers... Reuben the sandwich man, Levi the jeans man, and Issachar, not issatruck. ROFL! The boys will definitely remember the details of this particular devo. It was great!
WHO SAYS LIVING FOR GOD IS NOT FUN!?!?!?!?? I think it's awesome!

Well, that is the course of the day's events. What else can I share with you? Let's do some short news announcements here:
  • For an interesting article on the neuroscience of what occurs in the brain while a person is speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives the utterance, click here.
  • I checked my "site meter" on my blog today... you can click on the world map to see where in the world people are finding your blog. This week I have had hits in Hungary, Paris, Honolulu, Manitoba, California, Colorado, and lots of places all over the USA. Neat!
  • I heard a powerful little sermonette today (10 minutes long) called "Twinkle, Twinkle" about the rapture of the church, preached by a 17 year old young man. Whoa. To take a listen, click here, then click on the Sermons link. To see the YouTube video he is referring to in his message, you can see it on our youth web page here.

Ok, I could go on and on, but this post is getting too long. Let's wrap this up by saying, Jesus died for YOU! You owe him everything! Give him your life NOW while the choice is yours. If you die and leave this life without doing so, the choice of destination will no longer be yours. Give him your heart and every area of your life TODAY. You'll NEVER regret it! Living for God is the best choice I ever made! It'll be the best one you ever make, too! :-)

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