Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Dash

It has been said that life is not in being born or dying, but it is the space in between where you do the living that matters. On the gravestone, they engrave your birth year, your death year, with a hyphen in between. That hyphen, or dash, is the sum total of your time on Earth. What does that dash consist of for you?

Tonight, we went to the funeral of a family member who was a local doctor. It was a wonderful service. The time of sharing went on and on, but it didn't feel long, because everyone had such great memories to share. MANY of her patients came to share how Lynn had helped them when they needed help. Her family members, though grieving deeply, still had smiles as they shared how proud they were of how many lives she had touched and changed.

It makes me reflect.... what will people have to say about me when I am gone? Will there be a long line of people waiting to share the difference I have made in their lives for the better, like Lynn? Or will people tend to remember the negative influence I have had on them? The angry moments... the moments when careless words fell off the tongue, piercing someone's soul? What will people remember about me when my "dash" on Earth is complete? God, give me the grace to make a positive impact on every life I come in contact with. When people think of me, I want them to say that my life pointed to you, Jesus. I want them to think of YOU. It is something I will definitely be thinking about.

Lynn, you are already missed by many many people. Thank you for the selfless love and care you gave to all you encountered.

1 comment:

Grammie Betimes said...

This is a wonderful thought, Michelle. What will people say after we are gone, about us. Have our lives been the self-less caring and giving as Lynn's was, Or will our lives reflect selfishness and pride? They are sobering thoughts. Even in her untimely and very sad death, Lynn is still giving and helping and teaching. She was aptly portrayed as the wounded healer. I just love reading your blog Michelle.