Our camper at Maidstone State Park.

Jack cooking breakfast Sat. morning (sausage and bacon... yum!). Julie and Adam did the pancakes.

After breakfast, the boys wanted to go swimming... Mom just watched. The lake is beautiful, but springfed and c-c-c-cold!

The fam hanging out after lunch Sat. noon.

Smile Laurel! This girl is so awesome to hang with!

This is Julie the wonder woman! The one who made it all happen! GO GIRL!
Now... the entire reason we even WENT on this adventure is because of these two wonderful people... Joel and Joanna Conant. They were engaged to be married, but decided to elope on the top of Sugarbush, a local ski resort. They didn't even invite their parents! Just ski buddies! So... we had to have a formal reception for them.... if you can call a pig roast formal! LOL! Here are some pics from the wedding and the pig roast!

Doesn't God do nice work on the wedding decorations??? They look so happy!

You may kiss the bride...

Fast forward 4 months to the reception... Joel and Jo cutting the cake (the cake topper is a giant snowflake... cool!)


Adam, Nick, and cousin Ryan having a blast playing together!

The evening was topped off with AWESOME fireworks... like... the REAL kind... the really BIG kind you see on the 4th of July! The sparklers were giant sized too! Here is Adam with some big sparklers.

Aunt Nancy got in on the sparkler fun too!

These fireworks pictures are WAY better than the ones my cell phone camera took! Someone with a high quality camera took these, so I will replace my bad picture with these two!

BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooo! aaaahhhhhh!
The next morning, we did breakfast at Jack and Julie's campsite again.

George and Adam "testing" the bacon to be sure it's cooked properly.

George desperately needing coffee!
We had a great time! It was my first ever time hooking up a camper, hauling a camper, and setting up/tearing down a camper (with TONS of help in both departments). Despite the crazy loons that kept me awake most of the night b0th nights, we had fun! Thank you Julie for encouraging me to step out of my box and camp (NOT my forte) without my husband. Memories in the making! Thanks, George, for bailing me out when I couldn't back the blasted trailer up to save my life! Thanks, Laurel, for hugging me and telling me it was okay when I reached my frustration breaking point... Thanks, Adam and Nick, for being such awesome, adventurous kids! I love you!
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