Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday musings

Gee, I haven't had the opportunity to blog in a while... I've been more of a nurse to my two sons. But now they are off to school, and I am the one home sick with strep throat. This would be a repeat of last here for memory refresher. I hate missing work for this.

Anyway, my youngest son is now officially 7 years old. How cool! They are getting so big... we are hopefully having a party for him on Saturday (if we can eradicate the strep virus from our house by then). It will be a pirate party, complete with eye patches, a treasure hunt, and a treasure chest piƱata. Gonna be fun! I just hope we're all feeling up to it.

I made a discovery the other day while sitting in Hannafords waiting for my oldest son's prescription. The overhead music was playing softly. There was an Elvis song playing... "It's Now or Never" (which I don't care for, by the way). BUT... the tune caught my ear. The entire song is to the exact same tune as one of my VERY favorite hymns we sing in church... "Down From His Glory". I was very excited at this discovery, and began singing the church words right out loud in the middle of the pharmacy. It was fun! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since Elvis got his start singing gospel music. Maybe it was his favorite hymn too.

Well, sick or not, I have a house to clean... hoo - rah. Have a nice day!

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