Monday, April 10, 2006

Classic hymns, Harley Davidsons, and Powerisers

Hello everyone! Today has been an.... "interesting" day. It has had it's high points and low points. Of course, most of the high points occurred in church. Tonight was so much fun. We have been in the "contemporary mode" of worship for quite some time now, but this evening, our pastor hauled out the old hymnal, and we sang some of the old standards that are so near and dear to everyone's hearts. We sang "He is Able to Deliver Thee", "In the Garden", "Have a Little Talk with Jesus", "The Old Account was Settled Long Ago", and "Down From His Glory". Oh what a time! And those who are new converts and don't know any of these songs really enjoyed them... partly because they are just great to sing, with such powerful lyrics, and partly because they saw the passion with which the rest of us sang! That kind of passion for God is highly contagious! We alson had a mother/son baptized after the evening service.

Some of the lower points... one of my children opted to have an emotional meltdown this afternoon... that is no fun. My son's best friend opted to jump off the porch of my apartment (from the 2nd floor)... explain THAT one to his parents! They called him Evil Kenevil. Thank GOD he didn't get hurt! Both of my sons got into a fight with the neighbors upstairs... not a fist fight, but a fight of words and attitudes. I believe there was guilt on both sides, but the kids upstairs were definitely being very mean. HOWEVER... my pastor told us tonight that we are to GIVE THANKS IN ALL THINGS, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning..... ME! Yep! I need to give thanks for emotional meltdowns, children who are unkind to my children, and children who think they are indestructible and jump off the 2nd story porch! I know there is a lesson in here for me somewhere...... I believe it is probably MY attitude that needs some Holy Ghost adjustment right about now.

In other news, my brother got home from Las Vegas today, and will be the proud owner of a Harley Davidson Softail Deuce on Tuesday!
How cool is that?? And my parents are on their way home from Florida today! They should be home by late Thursday. Can't wait to see them!!!!

I mentioned in an earlier post that my son was becoming a pro on the pogo stick. Well, I found this very cool video of a product called Powerisers... the latest and greatest thing in pogo-ing. I thought it would be cool to see about getting a pair for Adam. Well, then I found this web site where you can buy them.... NOT!!!! They cost almost $500!!!! For probably about $30 max in materials. WHATEVER! I will wait for someone to come out with a cheap imitation. Adam thinks he would love to have a pair of these...

Anything else that needs mentioning? Can't think of anything right now. I am kinda bushed... was up late last night singing praise and worship songs with my friend Sandy, otherwise known as the Great Sandini... greatly loved by us and our two boys! Here is a pic of she and I on New Year's Eve...

Well... time to call it a night. Have a blessed week! I'm sure we'll be chatting again soon! Bye!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Glad the guy wasn't hurt!

Jewel said...

I'm glad the little guy wasn't hurt, too! The Lord was watching over him and you both, Michelle!
You did have alot to contend with in one afternoon, but it sounds like you handled it all well. :-)
My married son is learning to juggle and he is just had to show me the other day when we stopped by. Aren't our children such a blessing? The Lord's best to you!!

Anonymous said...

check out my Powerisers website I think you might like it