Friday, April 07, 2006

Random Friday thoughts

Today was a great day in our classroom! It was the final day of our student teacher's solo week, and the students all gave her a round of applause at the end of the day! She did an AWESOME job! She will be a fantastic teacher. She was just born to teach. The kids had so much fun and learned so much! We did biographies, healthy living, and fractions... and they all had FUN doing all these units... because she made learning FUN! That is the gift of a true teacher... to make learning fun. We will all miss her when she is gone! ;(

I came home this afternoon to a child with a mohawk.... yep. Dad was giving haircuts, and they decided to give mom a heart attack with an intentionally unfinished cut! It was scary. But now it is a bonafide buzz cut. Both boys are prepping for the warm weather. They look SOOOOO much better!

Adam is becoming somewhat of an expert on the pogostick... that kid can JUMP!!! And he goes, and goes, and goes... like the energizer bunny. It's good exercise, so I encourage him to jump literally to his heart's content!

Speaking of content, my pastor taught an excellent message Wednesday evening about the state of being content... how contentment starts on the inside, not the outside. People always try to find contentment in EXTERNAL things, like money, success, power, material possessions, even relationships with others. But true contentment and peace comes from an intimate relationship with God, that satifies every longing and need in your life. It was a very good message. Thanks, Pastor!

Well, time to start dinner. Ciao!


Anonymous said...


I enjoyed teaching it. I got a bunch of positive feedback on it so it must have struck a nerve with people.


Jewel said...

Hi Michelle, Some years ago when we were homeschooling, I went to a retreat for homeshcool moms. The speaker taught such a wonderful message on being content with such things as you have. I have never forgotten it. It is a timely message in this materialistic age in which we live. I've also been doing a study of learning to live quietly. There are so many wonderful scriptures about being quiet and living quietly. I may post it on my blog one day. The Lord's best to you!