Friday, April 14, 2006

A neat day!

How fun has this day been? Let me tell ya. It started off kind of rough. My oldest son is having trouble with an older boy on the bus. The bullying has been occurring for a few weeks now. He was reluctant to get on the bus, but the bus driver is a friend of mine, and I spoke with her, then sent an email to the asst. principal at Adam's school. He is TOUGH! He assurred me he would deal with it. Tonight, I had Adam read a book I brought home from the school guidance counselor called "The Bully Blockers Club". It is excellent, and I saw Adam relating to the character. He really liked it. Hopefully, things will go much better from here on out. I spoke with Adam about looking confident...head up, shoulders back... bullies don't pick on someone who looks like they have confidence in themselves.

The students in my 2nd grade classroom got a real treat this afternoon. My husband came in to teach the kids about safety and injury prevention. It was a surprise visit, so they were very excited to see MR. ZITER! And Mr. Ziter blessed Mrs. Howard with a batch of VT 9-1-1 pencils... we were on our LAST BOX for the year!

My mom and Ray are finally home from Florida! YAY! They got home yesterday (Wed.). I called to say hi and my mom told me that they had someone come look at the house already today, and she was coming back at 5:00 with her husband. My mom showed her the whole house, then the lady said, "Can I go back to see the rooms upstairs again?" My mom said, "Sure." When she came back down, she said to my mom... "There is a picture of a girl up on your wall that looks a lot like a person I know named Michelle." My mom said, "It IS Michelle." The person looking at my mom's house? MY FRIEND NATALIE FROM MY CHURCH!!!!!!! How cool is that? So even after they sell the house, I can still go visit my friend Natalie, and be in my mom's old house! It will be weird, but neat! They were back in town less than 24 hours, and the thing that had stressed my mom out for most of the winter was over before she was even unpacked! God is good.

My brother stopped by my place this afternoon to show me his new Harley. It's cool! It is also strange to see him on a motorcycle. Gonna take some getting used to. His girlfriend is getting a BMW motorcycle, so they can go biking together.

We were eating dinner this evening when Nick randomly announced (at 6:39) that tonight was the school art show (from 6:00-7:30) that I need to go to. Great. It gets OVER in 50 minutes. Abandoning dinner, out the door we run, and head up to school. It is important to value the things your children do. He was so proud to show me the kitty cat he drew in cray-pas... on display with hundreds of other drawings by kindergarteners, 1st graders, and 2nd graders. I am so glad I chose to make the time to go. It does wonders for their self esteem when you take an interest in what they do. Parenting is a crazy thing, but I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!!!! Children are an heritage of the Lord. A precious gift that we have for only such a short time. I treasure my boys. Thank you Lord, for trusting me to raise them!

And lest I forget the most important thing of all.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE ELLIOTT MITCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sweet brother-in-law is 22 years old today! I love you George!

So.... that is my day in a nutshell. Boring? Maybe. Maybe not. I am just thankful for every blessing God poured out on me today!

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