Friday, April 07, 2006

KMG 365

OK, here's the scoop. My husband, Mr. EMT of the year, is what he is because of the hit show of the 70's, EMERGENCY! Squad 51, KMG 365. Roy DeSoto and Johnny Gage were his heros growing up. Now, through the miracle of DVD, we own all of season 1 AND season 2. Our children are totally hooked, and love Gage and DeSoto as much as Jason did back in the day. In 2 weeks time, they have watched ALL of season 2!!!!!! That is called "TOO MUCH SCREEN TIME, my friends. But the neat thing I see happening, is that my oldest son, who despises writing, is beginning to write things taken from episodes of this show. Who knew?? Perhaps that could help my writer's block/creative slump... start writing about Emergency... Nah.

I spent the day with my boys today. Took the day off from work because they didn't have school. Tomorrow is Dad's turn to play with the boys. He is going to give haircuts tomorrow! Hallelujah! They are beginning to look like little rebels.

Well, time for bed. TTYL!

1 comment:

Jewel said...

Speaking of haircuts, our son Daniel always kept a very short, neat haircut, but since he has married (5 months ago) he has let his hair grow quite a bit longer. It is kind of shaggy, but he plays drums at church, teaches Sunday School and also does preliminaries in service at church, so he does have to keep it nicely trimmed. But he does kind of push the limits at times. Our pastor just kind of gently teases him a little when he is needing to get it trimmed. I try not to say too much about it because he is a fine young man and I think he is just trying out his new-found independence a little. *smile* Just like I did at one time in my life. I'm so glad the mohawks were just a joke! I was a little worried there at first! lol