Monday, July 18, 2005

New School

Today, the boys began swimming lessons... level 3 for Nick, level 4 for Adam. They had fun! After their lesson, we decided to go visit Adam's new school. I don't know anyone over there, and know nothing about the layout of the school. So, we went exploring in the school! How fun! We found his classroom, and important places like the nurses office, library, cafeteria, music room, etc. Then we went upstairs and found his best friend Josh's classroom. Then out to the playground! They have a very old playground, but will be putting a new one in soon! I am so nervous about sending him to school with older kids... their was profanity graffitied on the pavement of the playground, so my son and I had a talk about choices, and being a good influence on others, not letting the bad kids influence him to make wrong choices. I think we have done a fairly good job raising him so far, and I trust him to make right choices.

On the way home, we stopped at the library for some books and a couple movies. Looking forward to a nice relaxing afternoon. I love being a mom!

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