Thursday, July 21, 2005

God answers prayer...

I just have to share this with you all! I went into the kitchen to make breakfast for my boys this morning, and flicked on the radio as I do every day. Just as I turned it on, I hear Karlo (the DJ) saying, "We have on the line with us Jim Rubinate from the Barre United Pentecostal Church". COOL! Seems that YESTERDAY, Jim called and spoke on the air about their need for a new meeting place. They have a daughter work in Chelsea, and the building they WERE using is no longer available because it is about to undergo major renovations. So Jim asked the listeners to pray and ask God to provide a building for them to meet in. Jim came on the radio TODAY to announce that in less than 2 hours after the broadcast, they received a call and had a place offered to them... it's a huge warehouse type building...PLENTY of room for the work to grow! Is our God awesome or what???? I'm thrilled I got to hear that testimony on the radio!

In other news, my husband and I are struggling with an error I made regarding cub scout camp. I told him that camp was Aug. 3-7.... turns out it is Aug. 7-12. This is BAD. My husband is going as a chaperone. Aug. 3-7 was his short week at work, and he only needed to use ONE vacation day to do it... but Aug. 7-12 is his long week. Now he has to use FOUR vacation days, and THAT means we won't have enough vacation days to go to Maryland to see his dad for Christmas. This is not good. We are discussing and praying, wondering if it will be possible to go or not... we are really bummed about the prospect of not going. We shall see.

Well, my boys are begging me to go drain the pool, which is full of grass and beetles. So, duty calls! Have a wonderful weekend! I am going to visit my sister at our mom's camp this weekend, so I likely won't be blogging until Sun. or Mon.! Blessings!

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