Thursday, April 03, 2008

Proud mama!!

Hello all! I just need to do the proud mama thing for a moment here. We had our children's parent/teacher conferences today, and our children are doing fantastic in school! The report we got from Adam's teacher was particularly encouraging! He had a rough start to 5th grade, and his teacher cracked the whip on him, and he responded, and has matured so much, and taken responsibility for his learning, and improved 100% in every area! YAY ADAM! His report card was fabulous this trimester....
  • Reading B
  • Writing B+
  • Social Studies B+
  • Math A
  • Spelling A
  • Science A+

She was particularly impressed with one of Adam's persuasive essays. He wrote about why he thought Mike Huckabee should be president. He even included 3 verses of scripture. And his teacher showed that essay off to just about every adult in the school! I am so proud of him!

Nicolas' conference was great too! He was in charge of it, and showed us all the things he has been working on. He is definitely ready for 4th grade. His teacher is very proud of him, too! He has gotten much better at his math, and his writing (neatness and content) is beautiful!!! He has a good grasp on the reading/writing process. Now he is working on math problem solving... he'll figure it out soon, I'm sure!

So.... that is my proud mama moment. Now I have to go to work. I picked up my new glasses this morning (they are no-line bifocals... yikes!) and I feel like I am constantly ready to fall into a ditch or off a cliff! So, walking down the hall in school should prove challenging enough for today! Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great grades!!

I recently got rid of my "no line bifocals" and went back to the "old fashioned" ones.. I just didn't like 'em....