Monday, March 31, 2008

Reflections on the weekend

Remember the video about everything a mom says in 24 hours? I am just sitting down after putting my kiddos to bed, and reflecting on my day..... it has been a busy one, albeit not out of the ordinary. Get up in the morning, get kids up, make 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches. Get kids on bus. Go to work and work a 6 1/2 hour day. Come home. Help kids with homework, cook dinner, set and clear table (because kids are STILL doing homework), do dishes, sweep floor, do a load of laundry, take out the trash (Adam's job, but he's STILL doing homework...), change the beds, stitch up Marty (Nick's stuffed animal), read devotion, tuck boys in and pray with them. I'm done.

Now, I sit down to check my email, only to find out that my 90 year old grandfather is back in the hospital with pneumonia, CHF, and he also suffered a mild heart attack yesterday. Not the best news.... but he is still alive, and recovering quite well, actually. He is an amazing man. He will leave this world smiling, I'm sure.

My weekend was an amazing one! What a whirlwind! We hosted a Canadian bible college student this weekend named Brittany, and she was just so much fun! We ate WAY too much, and watched so many great church/youth/worship videos on youtube. We also watched Ken Davis "Is It Just Me?", and also "Flywheel". We had two amazing church services on Sunday, and this handsome young man, Jared, received the Holy Ghost at the youth service last night! Right on!

Also, Adam came full circle this weekend in his Moo Gong Do. He got his whole start in this last year when we happened upon the Moo Gong Do fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Pay a dollar, break a board, then sign up for one month of free lessons.... one year later, he was participating in the kick-a-thon at the mall. Neat....

Spiritually? Well, I am content in my walk with God, but not TOO content! Always striving to become closer to Him and to know Him more. I have a LONG way to go to become more like Him! But I am current in my Bible reading (so are my children), and I have made peace with God regarding the position I find myself in currently. I am very very proud of my husband, who is getting ready to enter the ministry, and also has lost over 40 pounds! WOW! He looks (and feels) terrific!

I need to head to bed. God's blessings to all out in bloggerville! Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogging does give a mother a chance to catch up on what her loved ones are doing when they are 1500+ miles away. It is so nice to see that God is doing wonderful things in the lives of the ones I love. "Let go, and let God" has become one of the best slogans I live by. Adam has made a commitment to a challening physical and mental feat and has found success and personal reward. Way to go, Adam! And Jason, I'm so proud of you and your personal accomplishments as well (I know where 20 of the 40 lbs went!). If we ask for His guidance, He is always with us.

Love, Mom in FL