Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rebecca's Journey

I have a dear friend named Rebecca. She and I met when she moved to VT from MD with the Lyon family to help them start a home missions church in Burlington, VT. She is so much fun, and so kind... and I want to share something very exciting with you! She has been on a weight loss journey since March 1st of this year, and I just want to document her astonishing progress so far! I am extremely proud of her!!!! You rock, girl!

Before the journey... Rebecca and Sis. Lyon

The beginning of the journey... March 1, 2006.

Rebecca and her doctor at her 3 month check-up/weigh-in.

Rebecca and her doctor at her 6 month checkup/weigh-in.

Rebecca and Champ last week (Aug.4th).

This is a powerful visual... she is holding 100 pounds of food at the grocery store... equivalent to the weight she has lost. This is how much extra weight she used to carry around on her all the time. WOW!!!!

She's not done yet... she still has about 100 pounds more to go. God has given her amazing grace!!! Phil. 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!

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