Friday, August 11, 2006

Ben's blog and cub scout camp

TAKE TWO!!!! AAAHHHHH! Somehow, I hit enter, and totally wiped out my whole long post, and I am NOT happy about it. I'll try to remember all of what I wrote, but I am not sure I'm in the mood to retype all that stuff!

Anyway, you must go over and check out my brother-in-law Ben's blog at . His new post is about getting out of the boat. It is excellent! Whatever I wrote about it before, I don't remember, so just go read it for yourself, and let him know what you think.

I thoroughly enjoyed my week without the boys! My friend Sandy and I hung out together the whole week... it was cool. That girl makes AWESOME smoothies! Today, I went down to cub scout camp to hang for the day and bring the boys home. It was really fun! So neat to see them doing things they don't normally get to do (archery, shooting BB guns, sailing on the ship "The Mighty Phyllis" *long story* which was a raft constructed out of 320 2-liter bottles, etc). There was a hint of testosterone in the air! Definitely a "guy" thing. There were very few moms doing the camp thing... only the brave and tomboyish! LOL! Not my thing. Tonight, they are thrilled to be sleeping in their OWN beds. I will be up half the night washing/drying/repacking all their stinky, nasty clothes, so we can head off to Maine in the morning. I am looking forward to surprising my aunt and uncle at their 40th anniversary party. I am looking forward to seeing my grandparents again, and my sister. I am looking forward to worshipping God with the saints at the Portsmouth, NH church. I am NOT looking forward to the 3 1/2 hour drive, because I am sure to hear them all singing camp songs the whole way there! AHHHH! There is one cool one, though. It's about a bird called an agga-flagga fleega-flagga ishka-nishka nogga nogga bir-r-r-r-r-r-die! That one is fun.

Okay, time to post before I lose this second entry attempt! I'll post cub scout camp pictures next week once I'm home from Maine. Have a nice weekend!

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