Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Well... I have to say that these are certainly exciting times we live in! With all that is happening in Israel, we may very well be standing on the edge of the return of Jesus for his bride! I have heard the message from every preacher I have listened to this week, and they all preached the same scriptures and the same message.... Jesus is coming SOON! Be ready! Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh! I know that I am ready. I have obeyed the Word of the Lord which states that unless you are born again of the water and the Spirit, you will NOT see the kingdom of heaven. I was born of the Spirit on May 17, 1992, speaking in another tongue (language) as the Spirit of God gave me the ability, and I was buried in baptism in Jesus' name on Aug. 2, 1992, taking on his name, just as a bride takes on the name of her husband. I KNOW I am ready. Are you? If you aren't sure, I'd love to give you a 20 minute Bible study that would let you make that choice for yourself. Or, you can check out either of these sites... Endtime Ministries or A Place Prepared for You.

Sunday evening, we had a house full of company after church. One of our visitors was Sis. Pat Cutts from St. Johnsbury. She was spending the night with Rebecca so she could fly out the next morning to a Deaf Conference in Gaithersburg, MD. Yes, Pat is deaf, and it was so wonderful to visit with her without the "benefit" of having an interpreter. We had a wonderful time! Even my husband and my boys were signing with her a little bit! She is a terrific lady!

Today, I got a call from my hubby telling me that he was on his way to the ER... as a patient.... again. He rolled his ankle in a pothole. If this sounds familiar, you are correct. He did this two years ago as well. At least this time it wasn't quite as bad. But he's out of work for a while. On the way to the ER to pick him up, the boys and I were singing "God can heal anything, anything and everything, there ain't nothin' He cannot do!". We sang it with FAITH! Believing GOD can heal Jason's ankle in a moment!

Yesterday was such a busy day, that today we are having a quiet, lay-low type of day. The boys are watching "Quest for Camelot" with Dad, and I am blogging and resting. Rest is spiritual. Rest is good.

Well... that is all for now. Pray. Get in the Word. Be sure your soul is ready for the return of the King of Kings! I'm going to go spend some time with my Lord right now. Peace.

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