Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bad day

Lest one think that the northern apostolic mom has all good days... today is proving most difficult and frustrating. I have something dead in my kitchen (most likely a mouse as we have killed 8 in recent weeks, and I have the mouse tirds everywhere to prove it), and it reeks like the sewer, and now my youngest son and his little neighbor friend upstairs have destroyed my living room carpet. They thought it would be cool while mom was distracted cleaning up mouse poop and looking for a dead animal to get out the fabric paints from my church camp supplies and paint on the living room rug. I only have lestoil here at home (no carpet cleaner), and the lestoil just ain't doin' it..... I am ready to cry. I have yellow, red, and blue spots and streaks all across the rug. I shudder to think of the cost of replacing a 20'x10' carpet... I'm fairly certain we cannot afford that. So please pray for me, because I didn't handle it well at all, and my son is very angry with me, as am I with him. YES, it's partially my fault because, A.) I wasn't watching him every millisecond, B.) I spent the only $20 I had on milk, butter, bread, and cheap food so we have something to eat in the house INSTEAD of going to buy the giant rubbermaid tub I was GOING to buy to put away the church camp supplies. And I thought he was smart enough to know you don't paint on the living room carpet... I was wrong again. Yes, I am having a huge attitude problem right now. I know it's obvious. Please pray for me. Looks like we need a financial miracle.... again. *sigh*

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