Monday, July 31, 2006

God is still God

Testimony time! I am so excited and so thankful to God that His Word is TRUE! He still heals people today just like He has always done. Thursday night, I hurt my back. For two days, I lived on Advil and Tylenol, sleeping with a heating pad, and walking really slow or not at all. It was very painful. Saturday night, my boys and my husband prayed for me. Sunday morning when I got up for church, I was still hurting. By the time I got to church, I was walking all hunched over. It was excruciating. So...... during the morning praise and worship, I had a talk with God. I said, "I KNOW your Word is true! I know you are a healer! I have seen you heal so many others, and now I claim that healing for myself! Nothing is too hard for you. I intend to praise and worship you this morning the way I would if my back DIDN'T hurt (a statement of BIG faith, because I normally lift my hands, dance, stomp my feet, jump, and sway.... all difficult with a lower back injury)." So I did. And it hurt like crazy at first! But then I got a warm sensation in my back, and the pain began to lessen... one song later, my back was pain free! I was so thankful! I worshipped even more! And after service, I was talking to my friend Sandy Wells who sat behind me that morning. I told her what happenend and she gasped... "MY back was killing me when I came in here this morning!" she said. "And now it doesn't hurt at all! I didn't even notice that the pain disappeared! But it's gone!" We both praised Him together! Don't tell me God isn't real, or doesn't do all those things he did back in Bible days! That is a lie! He is still healing! People are still being born again of the water and Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues! People are still being raised from the dead! (See Bro. Lee Stoneking's website!) There is a false teaching in Christianity called the doctrine of cessation. It means that the gifts of the Spirit STOPPED back in the days of the apostles. They say, "Speaking in tongues isn't for today. It was only for the apostles to start the church. You don't need to speak in tongues to be saved." Guess what? That is a lie from hell. That is exactly what the enemy of your soul wants you to believe. That way you stay lost! My King James Bible says that Jesus Christ was THE WORD made flesh. And THE WORD says that Jesus Christ is the SAME... yesterday, today, and forever. His Word never changes, and it will never pass away. It will always be true! If the Word states in Acts 2:38 that you must repent, be baptized in Jesus' name (not in the titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) and receive the Holy Ghost speaking in another tongue as the Spirit of God gives you the ability, then that is exactly what you must do to be saved from eternal hell. People in this day and age don't like the word Hell. It makes them uncomfortable. They don't want to believe a loving God would send them to such a horrible place. Well, He doesn't. WE DO! He died on the cross so we wouldn't HAVE to go there! But when we reject His truth because it makes us uncomfortable or it doesn't measure up to what you believe, then you make the choice YOURSELF to go into eternal hell. Man, I'll tell you what.... that is a no-brainer to me. I choose heaven! I choose Jesus Christ, the TRUE Word made flesh! And I can reap some of the benefits of my choice right now, here on earth! Like having my back instantly healed. Like peace in my heart when tragedy strikes. Like joy in the middle of a dark, evil world... joy that you just can't find in this world. It comes from heaven. I realize that everyone is free to believe what they want, and that's okay.... but if someone told me a bomb was going to go off in the building I'm in 10 minutes from now, and I chose not to believe it because it made me uncomfortable or I just didn't think it was true.... it wouldn't change the fact that in 10 minutes I would be blown into eternity! It's hard to imagine why people don't give the truth a chance. If the Bible isn't true, then no one has any hope. But I know too much about him! I know Him personally, and I have experienced His truths for myself! Jesus is real, and His Word is true, and He is the ONLY way to heaven! If you want to know more, go to this site for a quick 20 minute Bible study that could change your eternal destiny! May God bless you!


Michelle said...
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Anonymous said...

Amen Sister!


P.S. Happy Belated Birthday Jason