Friday, July 21, 2006

Colorful mood and funky socks

I'm in somewhat of a colorful mood today. So I thought a rainbow post would be kind of cool. I had the coolest thing happen to me today! I can't remember if I blogged about the "funky socks" letter I sent out months ago. It was a chain letter type thing, where you send one pair of funky socks to the top person on the list and mail a new list to 6 of your friends. I don't usually do that type of stuff, but socks are fun, and it was from my trusted church friend in Rutland. So I figured it would be fun to do, and perhaps actually get the 36 pairs of socks. Of course, as you probably already know.... not one pair of socks arrived in my mailbox. UNTIL TODAY!!!! :) My wonderful friend Pam in Maine sent me a package, FULL of the coolest socks! Watermelon socks, socks with stars, polka dots, stripes, flowers, even a pair of magic socks! Those are about one inch square in the package, you put them in water, and voila! One very cool pair of socks with deer with big antlers on them! I believe she was feeling rather bad that she didn't participate in the funky sock exchange when she received my letter, so she just sent me a bunch herself. What a huge smile she put on my face! That is simply a fun package to get in the mail. Even the package itself was bright and colorful! Pam, you are the best!!!!!!!

I am currently home ALONE.... yes, alone! Adam and Nick are each at a friend's house, and my husband is working an 18 hour shift. And I am here... able to relax and do whatever I want! It is very nice! I have worshipped to a great Alvin Slaughter CD, visited with my next door neighbor and her little boy, had lunch, and blogged. Life is good. I hope this color scheme isn't too much for your eyes. I really like it, actually! :) It fits my mood! Notice the post about the dead mouse and the ruined carpet... that was posted in black, which definitely fit my mood at that moment in time! This afternoon, we are going to a BIG birthday party for my neice Monique who is here from Florida. It will be a wonderful family time, and I will get to see my mom!! I hardly ever see her anymore! I love my mom. :)

Well, I don't really have anything else to blog about.... If I get inspired later, I'll pop back on and update you then! Bye!

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