Wednesday, May 04, 2005

They're coming to take me away, ha ha!

Ok... who's idea was it to sign BOTH of my sons up for baseball this spring? Huh? If it was mine... then please slap me. I will SURELY not do this again next year! This is quickly turning out to be more than ANY of us in the family bargained for. Up in the morning for school, get said children on the bus, head off to work myself (husband has been up and gone since 5 am). Work all day, come home, get aforementioned children OFF the bus at 4 pm. Practice starts at 4:45, which means you must leave the house by 4:30. This gives me 1/2 hour to feed them dinner (which I cooked WHEN?!?!?!?) and get out the door. One child plays on M, W, F, and the other plays on Tue, Thurs. FIVE NIGHTS A WEEK we do this. Tues and Wed present special challenges with cub scouts, church, and Tues evening Bible study with my friends Monica and Monica (who happen to be mother and daughter). My poor husband (who works until 6 pm) tries valiantly to make as many practices/games as he can, and also gives up a lot of meetings and trainings related to work to be able to take the older son to scouts or to be there for the games.

Am I complaining? Yes! Is it my own fault? Yes! Am I learning a lesson? Yes! Our pastor taught a series last year on
"Simplifying your Life"... I really need to revisit those lessons, which can be listened to on our church website . Next year, things will be different. Guaranteed. Jesus cannot take a backseat to baseball. He paid much too high a price for me.

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