Sunday, May 08, 2005

Ladybugs and loving your neighbor

Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful, wonderful mothers out in blogland! In my (humble) opinion, mother's day is the best day of the year! :) Yes, I'm biased. I got French toast and bacon for breakfast (and did NOT have to cook it!) and flowers, and cards, and a bracelet, and lots and lots of LOVE!

This morning at church, I helped out the teacher in the preschool sunday school class (age 2-4). How fun! This particular classroom happens to be full of real live ladybugs (really... tons of them), and the children are enamoured by them! Noah (our pastor's 2 year old son) thought that squishing them was kind of cool, and he loved watching them fly around! And since I know my pastor is going to read this, (hee hee hee) I will also inform you that Noah thinks that gluestick is equivalent to chapstick! What a great kid!!

But actually, what I REALLY want to write about this evening is the FABULOUS move of God we had this evening in our missionary service. We had a missionary to Uruguay, South America tonight, Bro. Darrell Geissler, and I'm telling you....God began to move from the very beginning of the worship, which blessed the socks off this wonderful man of God from Uruguay! He could hardly contain himself behind the pulpit! And the people had a mind to worship God this evening! Spontaneous worship kept breaking out over and over! The missionary told us story after story of the miracles he has seen God do, and faith rose in the saints. My husband, who has had a sore throat for 5 weeks, was instantly healed in tonight's service. Praise God! Then the missionary preached from Mark 12 on love your neighbor as yourself... his message was simple...tell everyone you meet "Jesus Loves You". He said, "Where there is no love, PUT love, and there you will FIND love." So to all you who are reading this blog, please know for certain that Jesus really does love you... for real! Be blessed! And if you are wondering about this Jesus, and you have never met him... that's what I said...MET HIM, for yourself and come into a personal RELATIONSHIP (not religion) with Him who died on the cross so you didn't have to, then email me at Let's chat! He is the most wonderful part of my life! Peace!


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