Sunday, May 29, 2005


What a WONDERFUL time we had at my dear friend Danielle's wedding yesterday! She was radiantly beautiful, and I think maybe her new husband Steve may have been out-glowing his new wife! I don't think I have ever seen a man with such an "I'm head over heels in love" look on his face before! (except maybe my husband) :) Anyway, it was so much fun to see them enjoy their big day, and we had such great fellowship with church friends from throughout this district (NH/VT) and beyond. We sat and talked with Bro. and Sis. Chesson from MA, Bro. Lyon from Burlington, Bro. and Sis. Loseby from Rutland, Bro. and Sis. McAllister from Barre, and Bro. and Sis. Duval from Dorchester. What a wonderful time of fellowship! We even met Candy, our pre-camper assistant this summer at church camp! Nice to finally have a face to put with the name!

Well, the other exciting part of our day came AFTER we left the wedding reception. We were in Concord, NH, getting ready to get back on I-89 and head home. I suddenly said, "We're only 1 hour from Kittery... let's go take my grandparents out for dinner." My grandfather's health is very bad, and I just don't know how many more chances I will get to see him. My husband is AWESOME! He said, "Sure! Let's go!" So we turned around and headed to Kittery. My grandparents were THRILLED! So was I! And as a little added bonus, my husband suggested we make a surprise visit to my good friends Allen and Rhonda on our way out of town. THAT was totally fun!!!!

I have to say a HUGE HUGE thank you to my mother-in-law and her husband for making it all possible! They took our boys for the day (and night) so they could be in the parade and just have fun without sitting in the car all day (which was even tough on the adults!). By the way, my son's cub scout float won FIRST PLACE in the parade this year!!! How cool is that? It was 80 feet long!

Anyway, enough rambling! I just had to get my thoughts down on (paper??).... screen.... before heading off to church and another incredibly busy day! Today will be filled with church, a barbeque, a birthday party, and possibly ANOTHER birthday party! Never a dull moment around here! Blessings to all my readers! Hi Kel! Hi Sandy! Hi Pastor!


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