Monday, September 19, 2005

I love Sundays!

Wow! Remember my last post? About being too busy? I've been kinda talking to God about that whole thing. And this morning... BOOM! My pastor, who is a man who hears from God, preached right to my heart about the value of rest! My God hears my prayers, and is a prayer-answering God! I have made a list of activities I'm involved in (the list is extensive), and I will now have to take the list to God in prayer and prioritize them. They are all GOOD things to do, but because they take so much of my valuable time, I must choose which ones are BEST. For example, teaching Bible Study to someone is GOOD, but if your family (i.e. marriage and unsaved children) are made a lower priority than a bible study to an acquaintance, that is out of God's divine order. THEN... tonight at church, we had a tremendous move of the Spirit, and I went to the altar during the singing, and just began to pour my heart out to God for my children's souls. It was deep and powerful. I just want my children to WANT to be saved. I want them to CHOOSE to serve God. I want them to DESIRE to live for him for the rest of their lives. I can't MAKE them do it. It is so hard to watch them make wrong choices. I just stand in the gap for them before God's throne, believing that He who began a good work in them is able and will be faithful to complete it. Amen.

Also, I was so encouraged today by a phone call from my brother! He and Kasmine are attending church together, and he really likes it alot! I am so excited! I have been praying for him for 13 years... God's time table is perfect. Thirteen years is a long time to us, but it is NOTHING to God! He knows what He is doing, and I trust Him completely. God is able to lead my brother into all truth as well! Praise God!

Well, time to clean up the house... it's icky. BY THE WAY... Red Sox are still 1 1/2 games up on the Yankees! YES! GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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