Friday, September 23, 2005

Heading to Maine

Hello all! We are all packed and ready to head to Maine. Just need to wait for 3:00 so we can pick the kiddos up from school and hit the road. I have done an unusually large amount of praying this morning regarding this trip. My 6 year old son told me this morning with a strange look on his face, as we waited for the bus, "Mom, something doesn't feel right." I asked him, "Do you feel sick?" He said, "No, I mean something doesn't feel right about this day." So we prayed and I asked Jesus to be with him at every moment of the day, protecting him, and giving him comfort. When we finished praying, he looked me square in the eyes and said, "I'm scared." God have mercy. He is 6 years old. THEN, I went to take my older son to school and ran into a friend. I told her we were going to Maine, and she got a panicked look on her face. She proceeded to tell me a friend of hers just got back from Maine and her 9 year old daughter contracted that EEE equine encephalitis deal from mosquitoes while there, and she was in Boston Children's hospital in a coma. That alone wouldn't bother me, but I also have dear friends (whom I will be visiting this weekend) who attend church and a 4 year old boy from their church is also in Boston Children's hospital for the same reason... in a coma for over a month now... and my friend's reaction coupled with that information and my son's "sense of danger"... it has caused me to bathe this weekend in much prayer. So anyone reading this post this weekend, PLEASE pray for us! I really want to go and relax and enjoy the company of my sister and grandparents. I have invested already in DEET insect repellant.

I also want to share the gospel with my grandparents while I am there. I always pray for the boldness and the opportunity to do this, and in the end, I leave without having approached the subject with them. PLEASE pray for me! They are 88... I may not have any opportunities left after this! Pray that they will receive the word and act on it!

Well, that is it for now. I am up to my eyeballs in cub scout stuff... Bye!

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