Sunday, December 03, 2006


I SERVE AN AWESOME, AMAZING GOD! I do!! I am going on record as saying that there is no other life worth living than a life lived for Jesus! I have one word for you... JOY! Joy that you can't get from the world. Joy that the world can never take away from you! I'm not saying that life is always perfect (just read this 2 year blog...), but even in the tough times, when you have Jesus in your life, even at your lowest, you still have joy and peace that no one else can understand.

Tonight's church service was phenomenal! Wow! My pastor preached about loving the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and whatever you do for the Lord, do it with ALL your might! He talked of King David dancing before the Lord with all his might. Then he mentioned his 18 month old daughter who loves to dance... she does the dance of the dishtowel. (He proceeded to give us a hilarious demonstration of her "dance of the dishtowel"... it was great!). Then he challenged the church to dance before the Lord as David did... as his daughter does... and he held up a box of tissues and said, "Come get your dishtowel!" All it took was one person (my brother-in-law) to RUN up the aisle, grab a tissue, and start waving it around and dancing for God with all his might! Then it was like a match! When Lonnie (my friend with cerebral palsy) began to jump up and down and dance on his crutches with all his strength, no one else had any excuse! The power of God fell in that sanctuary like FIRE! There was a prophetic word that went forth... "I love it when you praise me! I love it when you worship me with all your strength!..... " There was more, but I don't remember the whole thing. And the worship ascended like thunder! We had one person receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues! My 7 year old took over on the drums, and played the altar call for about 30 minutes or so... then pastor dismissed church, but we weren't done! The teens got up at the microphones, and began to sing and praise God with passion! For the next HOUR after church was dismissed, some incredible, anointed praise and worship went up (with Nick playing the entire time.... that makes about 90 minutes he played... hard!) It was powerful! God is getting ready to explode the church in a revival that NO MAN will be able to take the credit for! We are living in the last of the last days... The news reported that the Pope prayed toward Mecca this week.....God have mercy! Interfaithism is here to stay, and those who proclaim Jesus is the ONE AND ONLY WAY to heaven will be persecuted... it's a fact. We must be ready for the pressures about to encroach on the 21st century American church. Guess what?


Stay tuned! God is just getting started! I can't wait to report what He does next! As Ron Kenoly sings: We're going up to the high places, to tear the devil's kingdom down! AMEN!

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