Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Hello. Ever have those just blah days? Yep. That's me today. Blah. I think I will just go to bed and ignore the piles of paper, the dishes needing to be put away, the dishes needing to be washed, the couch that is buried under backpacks for lack of a better place to put them (space is a virtually non-existent commodity in this little apartment of ours). When guests come to visit and see a nice clean house, it is because in my bedroom behind closed doors, the bed is a huge MOUND of stuff that has no home! Yep, giving away my secrets. Surprised? God isn't. He knows me better than anyone else. He can see behind my closed doors... physically and spiritually. He understands me. Not too many others do....

I'm headed to bed. Tomorrow is another day! I have it good... there is always someone else who has it worse than you! I really shouldn't complain. God bless you!

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