Monday, December 12, 2005

What God wants for Christmas

Hello all! I am home sick with bronchitis today. Been sleeping for what seems like a million hours... need to get up and do something. So blogging sounds like a good diversion. If this sounds a little messed up grammatically, it is probably the Robitussin with codeine.

I finally picked up the prize I won from our local Christian radio station. I just opened it to take a look at it. It's pretty cool. It is called "What God wants for Christmas"... an interactive, kid-friendly nativity. It is a family thing that you do every night for 7 nights in a row, telling the story of Jesus' birth. It's pretty neat! Guess we will start with ours this evening. What I REALLY want to do is invite the two children from upstairs, CJ and Taylor, who have been coming to Sunday school with us, but don't really UNDERSTAND the whole concept of Jesus as God yet. They will when we are done with this! Pray for their hearts and minds to be receptive!

Well, I'm thinking it's time to head back to bed. I just want to feel better. Blessings! TTYL!

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