Thursday, April 14, 2005

Brave dad

Well, I am off to Maine tomorrow. Here is the interesting part... my youngest son is turning SIX this week, and his party happens to be Saturday morning... while I am in Maine. Hence, Dad will have the reins when they come. They? That would be ALL the boys in my son's class, plus a couple from our building... all told, there should be about 12 boys running around here on an extreme sugar high (ice cream and cake, not to mention the candy from the pinata). I have planned all the games, bought all the silly string, and ordered the cake. I have wrapped the presents and filled and organized the goodie bags. Now all I can do is LEAVE... and hope Dad keeps everything under wraps. It shouldn't be too hard, really. He's like a kid in a big person's body anyway... do guys ever really grow up? Oh well. Can't say I've ever missed my own son's party before, but I am confident that Dad will handle things just fine while Mom is away. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!

1 comment:

Jody said...

hmmm...miss a birthday party full of wild boys hopped up on sugar? How convenient for you. ;)
I hope everything goes well in Maine and at the party.