Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful for family!

I love my family! And today, we were blessed to spend the day with this wonderful family! My brother and his awesome girls! Tim hosted our dinner and cooked the bird... *sniff sniff*... mmmm! Smelled so good at his place!

We had 7 people, and enough food to feed about 20! Holy smokes! Anyway, I inherited a long-standing "title" today from my Aunt Judy... of "weird aunt". Yup. Aunt Judy was always the weird aunt in our family growing up. And one thing she did to earn that title was to make purple mashed potatoes one year for Easter dinner (which is very "interesting" looking with brown gravy on it, btw). So Tim threw the food coloring at me and said, PURPLE.

You should have seen the kids' faces when they looked at them! It was hilarious! Sarah says, "Are these supposed to look this way???" Adam refused to eat them! ROFL! It was priceless. We shared the Aunt Judy stories with them at dinner, and they assured me they would tell their children about Aunt Michelle... the "weird aunt". :) I called Aunt Judy later on and told her and she laughed so hard! It was great!

Now...... for more "thankfulness".... my dear grandfather in Maine fell yesterday and broke his hip (on his and Nana's 66th wedding anniversary). I was so worried, knowing that his surgery was this morning, and he was not the best candidate for surgery at age 92 with a very weak heart, etc. Well, he came through the surgery with flying colors.... he is tough as nails, that guy!! Thank you Jesus! Here he is, just 6 hours after his surgery... getting ready for some turkey with the fixin's! Amazing!

I am so thankful!!!! I know I will be traveling to Maine soon to visit him and Nana. But today, I am just thankful he is still with us!

That is all for now. I hope you counted your blessings today! I know I did! Have a great weekend!


Grammie Betimes said...

WOW! Purple potatoes! They look, ummmm purple. We had green eggs one time maybe Jason remembers. So glad your grandfather came through the surgery well. Praise the Lord! We thought of you today...knowing, no news would be good news. The picture of Tim and the girls is awesome! You are so special. Love you lots.

GinaMarie said...

hmmmmmmmmmmm I might have to try PURPLE mashed potatoes sometime. lol My boys know thats my favorite color. lol Good way to get conversation going and a good laugh. Also seems like a good tradition. lol

So glad your grandfather came thru surgery well and that he is doing well.

Gina Marie and boys