Friday, January 05, 2007

Count your blessings

Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings, see what the Lord has done.

Today has been a rough day. But God has been good. I went to school today feeling pretty lousy (sore throat, headache, nausea). Felt that way all day, basically. I came home and the boys went straight for the gamecube and I went straight for my bed. I told the boys... "If you need me, I'll be under my covers."

Anyway, after a couple hours of rest, I got up and cooked dinner. Then we had to go out and get a birthday present for Nick's friend Teddy (party is tomorrow) and get new shoes for Adam. Well... that went fine, but I made the mistake of choosing to go to the grocery store for cough medicine (both boys are coughing a lot). That was not a good choice. Because on the way home, I hit a deer on the circ highway... hard. Not my day. Oh well. It could have been so much worse. I am still thankful that God didn't let me get any sicker. I am thankful I could rest after work. I am thankful for the fun the boys and I had out shopping tonight. I am thankful that no one (except the deer) was injured in the crash. I am thankful no one was in the other lane of oncoming traffic when I swerved over there to try to avoid the deer. I am thankful my car is still somewhat driveable (except I can't make any left turns or it will slice my tire on the smashed in fender). I am very very thankful for my husband's support, and very very very thankful for my wonderful friend Sandy who jumped into her car as soon as we hung up, and drove over to see if we needed a lift home. She is an awesome, amazing friend. Love ya Sandy! My car is in pathetic shape right now... with pieces falling off all over the place, and now smashed in front passenger side. I still owe money on it. It needs about $2,000 of work before I can get it inspected in Feb. Impossible. But somehow, we will make it all work. Jehovah Jirah has never failed me. King David said in the psalms... I have never seen the righteous forsaken. He is faithful. We will make it! I am going to bed. Tomorrow is a new day, and His mercies are new every morning. Thank God for that!

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