Monday, February 20, 2006

Lights out! God on the move!

Well, so sorry I didn't get this post up last night, but I was still trying to process what happened at church last night... still too caught up in the awe of God's sovereignty to put it into words.

So, let me begin by saying that my attempt to put this into words will be pretty feeble. It may not even seem like a big deal to you once you read it... but for those who were there, well, they KNOW what they felt and how God moved.

We began with prayer, and then singing. Pastor invited to the front those who felt they had a need in their soul. Others from the congregation came forward to pray the prayer of faith for those who had come to the front.

My mother-in-law then went up to give an account of the "Winter Fire" conference she had just come home from, and the Spirit of God began to move in the hearts of the people. We sang a song called "With One Mind", and something clicked in the Spirit (unity?????). Pastor said, "If you did NOT get what you needed from God earlier, then come back up here, and STAY here until you get it!" I was there in a heartbeat. I surrendered myself to His service. I want to be used by Him for the Kingdom. I poured out all my doubts and fears, and asked questions that no one else heard.

THEN, Matt got up to preach. The point of his message was "God doesn't want to work FOR you, He wants to work THROUGH you". He spoke of Israel calling out, "GOD, show us a sign." and God responding with "Show me some faith."

Suddenly, the lights went out. Pitch black. Silence. No power. And Matt said, "Somebody doesn't want someone to hear what God has to say." We responded loudly with "PREACH!" So he preached! In the dark. We had a couple of small flashlights, but it was still pretty dark. God got our attention. People began to respond to the message and to the Spirit of God. It was powerfully penetrating, and it DIRECTLY answered every question I had asked God at the altar and addressed every fear and doubt I had poured out to Him..... WOW!

THEN, a tongues and interpretation came forth. A tremedous surge of faith occured. We had one woman lying prostrate before God on the floor. My two boys were mesmerized by all that was happening... they were watching intently, and Nick felt the presence of God, I think for the first time. Then, spontaneous singing broke out. In the dark. No one left for a long while. But once it lifted, and you could tell it was over...... the lights came back on at that moment.

Weird. God knows JUST what His people need. He is truly a good God. Thank you, Jesus, for your life changing Spirit! I will do my best for you in this last hour! Be my strength! I love you!

1 comment:

Jewel said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Michelle. Truly the Lord is trying to get our attention in order to do a great work "through" us. My husband and I are amazed at all of the stories we have been reading in the news in recent days that just confirm to us even more that He is coming sooner than we could possibly imagine. Hold fast to this special meeting you experienced with the Lord. You might even want to write it down, lest it become a bit vague with the passing of time and through the cares of this life. God be with you.