Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm on va-caaaaa-tion!

Yee ha! It's the beginning of winter break! Nine days off.... IN A ROW! Of course, I don't get paid for it, but it is such a great opportunity to SLEEP IN, spend some real quality time with my boys, do lots of youth week activities, etc. etc. Today was sort of a wild day in our classroom. Two of the children had a birthday today, and one of those children's last day at our school was today... he's moving on to a new home and new school district. I will really miss him! We had cookies, cake, and basically SUGAR this afternoon, which added to the "it's only one hour till vacation starts" hype. I am looking forward to the rest this week will bring.

Lots of birthdays this week!!! Happy birthday to my niece Sonja (age 10), my nephew Trevor (age 12), and my little nephew Michael (age 3). Happy birthday to you all!!!! I LOVE YOU!

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