Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Goodness of God

Hello all! It has once again been about two weeks since I have been here to record my thoughts. Actually, it's been an eventful two weeks. The most important thing I need to record is the great miracle my God and Savior Jesus Christ did for our family on Sunday, January 29th. My husband's brother Ben and his wife Stacy invited us up to their house after church on Sunday, and we were there for the rest of the day (about 1:30pm to 8:30 pm). The children were playing, and toward the end of the day, they were down in the basement playroom watching a movie. The adults were busy visiting and working on the church website, which, by the way, is looking FABULOUS!!!! Check it out by clicking here. Anyway, around 8pm, I told my husband it was time to go... it was bedtime on a school night for the boys, and I had a headache. If you knew my husband and his brother, they have a hard time parting company. 15 minutes later, I said, "Let's go! I have a splitting headache!" I ended up in the car sobbing, because it felt like my head was in a vice. On the ride home, everyone was pretty sleepy. Long story short, we got a call from Ben at 5 am. He was disoriented, and asking us to call mom because something was wrong and he was calling an ambulance. Their house was LOADED with carbon monoxide, because the furnace (where the children had been watching the movie) had broken that evening, and the levels in the house were at lethal numbers. Stacy was throwing up and having a violent headache, Ben was slurring his speech and was unable to give 911 (where he works and is the supervisor) the phone number to his in-laws across the street, they had a hard time waking up their 5 year old daughter, and all of them had soot in their noses and around their mouths. The ambulance came and took them all to the hospital, where the doctor told them that if they hadn't woken up when they did, they would have been dead in a matter of 2-4 hours. And he couldn't imagine HOW they managed to wake up with the levels in the house as high as they were. But I know how!!! Thank you Jesus for looking after our family! We cannot imagine life without Ben, Stacy, and the kids! The tragedy would have been more than we could bear! We serve an awesome God who takes care of His people!

In other news, the school I work in is performing a musical tomorrow night called "My Town, My World". They have been practicing songs and lines for weeks, and tomorrow is the big night.... the same night as our annual church business meeting! Sorry, Pastor... I won't be there. :) It's okay, he already knows. Anyway, I took my boys to the musical last year, and they LOVED it, so I am treating them again to this year's performance. They tell me, "I wish OUR school would do stuff like this!" I will try to post a couple of pictures from the musical by the end of the week.

Also, on Feb. 4th, my husband observed his 19th spiritual birthday... he has been filled with the Holy Ghost and serving God for 19 years! WOW! Living for God just gets better and better as the years go by!

Before you go, please note the new link I have added to the side bar of my blog to a fun site called Web Sudoku. It is all the rage there days, like the Rubik's Cube was back in the 80s! Check it out when you have some time!

Well, next week is Valentine's Day! Don't forget to bless the one you love! Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!

I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I was baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Ghost 29 years ago this past January 11. God has been soooo good to me! Keep up the good work of letting others see the glory of God in you.
