Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Christian children in the public schools... a parent's battle

Greetings. I am here to tell you that being a Christian mom, raising Christian children, is HARD WORK! Especially if you have them in the public school system! There is NO WAY you can send them off to school, NOT be involved, and have them develop into a strong Christian. No way! There is FAR too much evil and perversion in the schools these days. And for every instance you HAPPEN to find out about, there are probably about FIVE that sneak by you unchallenged.

Case in point... I found out too late about a dance group that performed at my son's school in the name of "cultural diversity education". It was an African dance troop. The women were BARELY dressed, shaking their bodies all over the place. I found out by reading the local newspaper a WEEK LATER, and saw the pictures. That one snuck by me.

Yesterday, however, the kids all got off the bus and Elizabeth (our next door neighbor, also in 3rd grade) had a book titled "Wizardology". Her mom, Chris, immediately took it from her and said "I forbid this book in our house. Get in the car, we're going back to school to return this right now." (YAY, Chris!!!). The spiritual battle ensued, with Chris finally getting through to Elizabeth what the Bible has to say about witchcraft. Then she told her mom about a video that the music teacher had shown in music class that involved a "shiny demon who would eat up their souls unless they sang a song for him". Adam's class had seen it too! AAHHHHHH! And the thing is, it had bothered Adam so much, that he was afraid to tell me about it! This video was shown back in OCTOBER, and I'm just now finding out about it! Parents.... you MUST stay intensely involved (even if the school begins to think you are annoying) and KEENLY aware of things your children say. I now have an appointment with Mr. Music Teacher to view this video myself. But the damage has been done, and I am left with the responsibility of "undoing" in prayer what was done to my child in the school. PRAYER and INVOLVEMENT are the keys! I have a right to be indignant and angry with the things they pass off as "education". I would give my right arm to be able to home school my children! I'd like to put them in a bubble and protect them until they are old enough to understand spiritual warfare, full of the Holy Ghost, and ready to defend their faith for themselves. But life isn't happening that way, and I am left to play the hand of detective... always trying to uncover what evil they are hurling in my children's direction. But my God has the best interest of my children in mind, and when I cover them in prayer, I can trust God to reveal the deceit and protect their minds and souls. Thank you Jesus!

These last days are dark and evil, so our light must burn brighter than ever!

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