Sunday, March 06, 2005

Home Alone

Another new baby today! My pastor and his wife just had baby #7, and she is beautiful! Her name is Raina, which is also beautiful. That makes 5 babies born to friends since October, with 2 more to go... one March 28th, and one in May. Phew! We're having a population explosion around these parts! DON'T DRINK THE WATER!

Anyway, this is a luxurious evening for me. My husband is away for the weekend (that is NOT luxurious) and my children are spending the night at Grammie's house, and I have the entire house to myself! Wow! Only problem is... I spent nine hours on my feet at work, and my back is killing me. I need someone to give me a good backrub, or walk on my back, or something.... but no one is here! :( What's a girl to do??? Enter the heating pad. That'll work.... along with some Advil! I think I will just STOP blogging, set up said heating pad, and get out my Bible! I am doing a program called "B.R.E.A.D. - Bible Reading Enriches Any Day", which takes you through the entire Bible in one year. I am currently 2 months ahead. I really enjoy doing it. This will be my 5th year completing the B.R.E.A.D. If you are interested, here is a link to the program... . I highly recommend it!

Enough mindless jibberish. Time to medicate, lie down, and READ! Blessings to all!

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