Saturday, February 23, 2008

Purple belt!

We once again interrupt the spiritual blogging here to interject yet another big family accomplishment, which we are very proud of... Adam has received the rank of purple belt in Moo Gong Do! Here are some pictures from the testing and the belt ceremony.

Take down!


Doing his Hwa Shim Il Hyung form during testing.

Using a hook kick for his board break

Receiving rank advancement

Purple is an awesome color!!!

Adam's teacher Miss Doner attended to support Adam. She's as proud of him as we are!

Great job, Adam!!!!! Keep it up! Adam is approaching his one year anniversary of practicing the art of Moo Gong Do (March 16th). He has his eyes fixed on that black belt someday.... I know you can do it, mister!! Never give up!

We now return you to the regularly scheduled spiritual blogging of Northern Apostolic Mom..................................................

1 comment:

VTBeanbag said...

Hey there Michelle. Glad to see you blogging again. :)

Thank you for your blog. I am always inspired and encouraged by it. :)

God Bless,