My pastor has taught a lot on spirituality and what is really means. A quick google search will bring up a host of different topics... new age spirituality, Native American spirituality, ancient wisdom of the east, self realization, the occult, Christianity, quantum metaphysical spirituality.... the list goes on and on and on.... my google search of simply the word "spirituality" instantaneously brought up 59,400,000 websites! Yikes! In this very post modern culture, it appears that spirituality is whatever you decide it to be.Anyway, I obviously look at what the Bible... the Word of God... has to say about spirituality. My pastor gave us a paper last night entitled...My spirituality consists of (but is not limited to) :
Now... I am not a prideful person. I am not one who thinks they are so spiritual they have somehow "arrived". No way! I will be growing in spirituality until I draw my last breath! But I do try to live my life every day with Jesus at the center. I do make choices (for the most part) that keep my mind focused on Godly things. For example: I am reading my Bible every day. I watch entire worship services / preaching (two hours at a stretch most times) on the internet whenever I have the chance (what better way to spend a Friday evening or a Saturday afternoon or a Tuesday evening)! I do my best to have solid Christian character... not gossiping, being kind, helpful and giving, etc. I live the same life OUT of church as I do IN church. I don't watch TV or movies (except maybe Finding Nemo or the like). :) I go to church 3 services a week.
Do I sound like a certain Pharisee yet???? OH LORD, I THANK GOD THAT I FAST TWICE A WEEK AND GIVE A TENTH OF ALL I POSSESS... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH (praying thus with himself).
Well.... Let me tell you about the parts of that list where I am severely lacking in spirituality.
My prayer life is NOT what it should or could be.
The last time I told someone about Jesus and taught them a Bible study was....?
Fasting... just look at my weight... no discipline in THAT area, I tell ya!
Hours spent on the computer.... ouch. This blasted thing is my undoing!
Finances... they will be the death of me due to STRESS! My finances are a train wreck! main goal is to acknowledge my shortcomings and CONFESS them to God and to someone I can TRUST to pray for me and help me improve in these areas. Accountability is crucial to the process, or you will begin to rationalize things and justify them, ending up in a state of deception. THAT is a dangerous place to be! Or you may just give up hope altogether, which is equally dangerous. I admit to feeling despair at times when it comes to the above listed things. So... I am praying about this list, and desiring to change. Will you pray for me? I would covet your prayers. Thanks for reading! You are all great!