Friday, September 01, 2006


Sorry I haven't been here too regularly. The events of last Thursday were so emotional, it's been a pretty rough road. It's been 8 days, and feels like yesterday. But we've been doing a lot of things to bring healing, like bringing flowers to the school, drawing cards to send to Ms. Snedeker, going to many of the services and meetings and events that are designed to bring healing to the community. The school board meeting on Wednesday was extremely helpful, hearing from the brother of Alicia Shanks, asking for a vote of confidence for teacher Andrea Lambesis, the intended target of the shooter. And this evening, the entire community turned out to form a human chain around the playground at the school and sing "This Little Light of Mine". It was tremendously powerful. Jenky Snedeker, the other teacher shot in the school, was there in a wheelchair, just released from the hospital. She got about a million hugs and an incredible ovation from the crowd! There were two sundogs around the sun, and a rainbow up overhead... not the kind that goes from ground, up to sky, and back to the ground, but it was like it was pasted flat against the sky, arching from side to side like a smile. It was only there while we held hands. As soon as we were finished singing and dropped hands, the rainbow disappeared. It was weird. But comforting for many people. Of course, I don't believe that it had anything to do with Alicia, but many many people did, and it brought them great comfort and peace. I am doing really well now that I am back to work in the school district I work in. There is comfort in routine. It really helps to refocus your energies on the positive things in life. I know that once the boys are back to school, they, too, will take comfort in routine. The boys think it is cool that they have had their picture and their sign on the front page of two local newspapers. It makes them smile. There is much to smile about in life. God is good. You'll probably see more of me here now that I have pulled it back together. Hug those that are special to you tonight and tell them you love them. TTYL.

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