Sunday, June 25, 2006

Growing up...

Wow... Adam went through a sort of "rite of passage" today. He went with his Dad and became "one of the guys" at the annual Father's Day target shoot. Last year, Adam earned his BB gun pin at Cub Scout camp. He's been wanting to take a hunter safety course, but we have waited an extra year (for maturity purposes... they tell us that the difference between 9 year olds and 10 year olds is amazing in hunter safety). But today, Adam got to hang with Daddy, Uncle Ben, Uncle George, and Mitch, and he had such an excellent time!!! Below are pictures of him shooting a 12 gauge rifle (ONE TIME ONLY... too much gun for him... it's longer than he is!!!) and a neat little .22 caliber pistol... just his size. I guess his marksmanship with it was pretty good!

Adam shooting a 12 gauge rifle

Adam with a .22 calibur pistol

Here is a copy of the email Ben sent out to us with the pictures....

Hey everyone!
Here are a couple pictures I took of Adam using my cell phone at his first day on the firing range. His favorite weapons of the day were the Phoenix .22 caliber semi-automatic pistol and the .410 shotgun! His least favorite was the 12 guage shotgun. Here are pictures of adam using both the Phonix and the 12 guage!!!!

Adam put 30 or more rounds through the Phoenix but only shot the 12 guage once! I can't imagine why... That one's got some KICK!!!

Great job today Adam! We're really proud of how you handled yourself and all of the guns safely!


*sniff* *sniff* My little man is growing up... guess it was bound to happen. Obviously, shooting guns is an extremely limited privilege, one that has to be earned with much respect, responsibility, and maturity. Not taken lightly, but we sure are proud of the young man Adam is becoming!!!!!!

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