Friday, November 18, 2005

Turkey Catapult and other tidbits

I must admit that I have been having a bit of trouble finding the motivation to post here on the northern apostolic mom blog lately. I feel like the mundane things of life no one wants to read, the frustrating things in life (like my husband's recent car accident... which was NOT his fault) are too frustrating to revisit in blog format, and besides... I've just been flat out too busy to sit here and BLOG! So, what's a blogging mom to do?

Tonight, I feel like I can actually share some things.

1. Earlier this week, my sons' pack meeting was a blast! It was the turkey catapult competition! If you want to see 6-11 year old boys get excited about something, give them a catapult and ANYTHING to launch! LOL! What a blast we had! There was also the "shoes built for two" contest, the balloon popping game, and the very cool indian arrow head necklaces they made. Cub scouts is cool. Adam is working on his Bear badge, and one of his requirements is to complete the "God and Me" project. He will be earning a special pendant to wear on his uniform that has a cross on a shield, with the words God and Me on a bar at the top. It is different, in that it's not awarded by the den leader, but by his pastor IN CHURCH. Adam is excited to invite his den leader and the boys in his den to church to see him receive the award! We are praying for each of them!

2. Wed. evening, our church had a thanksgiving dinner together, and it was absolutely wonderful! The fellowship was wonderful, the food was fabulous, and I want the people who worked at setting up and serving to know how much we all appreciate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Thank you Monica and Monica, Ben and Stacy, Sue Hazen, Shueh Ling, and everyone else I didn't know about! It was really a great time! Our pastor took many photos, and probably has some new "blackmail" pictures to post on our annual watch night service "year in review" slide show! I LOVE the year in review slide show!!!!!

3. Tonight was my stepdad's birthday party, and we had a wonderful time celebrating with him! He and my mom are retiring the end of Dec. They are counting down days of work left...only 25 days of barbering left for my stepdad! Amazing! He's been cutting hair for around 40 something years. My mom is retiring from the Dept. of Homeland Security (formerly Immigration). She can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are going to Florida, we are sad but happy for them. They deserve NOT to have to endure the cold winters here anymore! LUCKY DUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

4. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Our family is doing a cool thing right now as part of Adam's "God and Me" project. We are playing the Prayer Rock game. We have a rock (it's supposed to be a real rock, but Adam made one out of paper.... colored like a rainbow). It is a prayer rock. The person with the rock prays for someone in the family, then puts it somewhere where that person only will definitely find it (i.e. on their pillow, on their dresser, in their shoe, etc.) You can't put it in a general space like the refrigerator... everyone uses that, and no one would know who got prayed for. So, you find the rock on your pillow... you know that person prayed for you... now it is time for you to pray for someone else in the family and then put the rock in a spot THEY will find it... etc. etc. It is working beautifully. We all love this game, and may just keep doing it after a week is up!

5. My friend Lisa lost her mom this week. I will be attending the funeral. Lisa used to serve the Lord in the truth, but she and her sister both left the church. It will be good to reconnect with them this weekend, albeit under sad circumstances.

Well, I was going to close with a couple of pictures, but it seems that the Hello/Picasa program is non-functioning this evening. So you will have to wait. Sorry.


kellycoxsemple said...

I love the turkey catapult! What a great idea. Although it makes me think of the episode of "WKRP in Cincinnati" (remember that show?) where they get the brilliant idea to release turkeys from a helicopter... not realizing that they don't fly!

Michelle said...

LOL!!! WKRP! What a blast from the past! Thanks for the smile, Kel! I have enjoyed reading your blog, keeping up to date on your busy life. :)