Monday, November 21, 2005

pile management becomes overwhelming

I can't take it! The piles of junk and stuff in my house are officially unmanageable! DAN AND SARAH! I need to borrow your book again... I cannot remember the title, but I must reconnect with the THROW IT OUT message in your book! AHHHHH!!!!! It is so hard to come home from a fabulous church service where the Holy Ghost moved and ministered so powerfully, to a home that is too cluttered to function on a basic level! And what's worse, is that this thanksgiving vacation, my children are off but I am not. Not even a chance to get a head start on the pile busting! Grrrr.... I want to decorate for christmas, but how can I with all the JUNK?!?!?!?!? I feel the urge to invest in 30 gallon trash bags and go to town. Anyone wanna come help??


Anonymous said...

Go to ebay!! Although, that may contribute to your stuff, since you WILL find something you must have. BTW I am also Apostolic. Nice to find your blog.

kellycoxsemple said...

Meet-shell, I can relate! My suggestion is to check the television listings and find as many episodes of "Clean Sweep" on TLC as you can. True inspiration and some good ideas, too. The most basic idea is one I've adopted, which is to create three areas for items -- keep, sell, and trash. We don't bother with yard sales, so the "sell" pile becomes Goodwill pile (unless there's something particularly useful that a family member or friend might genuinely want or need). Your idea of 30 gallon trash bags is spot on. Go for it!

In my experience, when I've been able to do a massive purge of clutter, my life literally feels lighter. The hardest step is getting over the New Englander in you -- the one that tells you there's a use for everything. That, if you just save that bag full of broken down boxes, you'll have a use for them some day. Trust me, once you let stuff like that go, you'll never miss it.

Good luck, my friend! And Happy Thanksgiving. :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Shell.

Michelle said...

Hello mommy4now! Thanks for dropping by my little corner of the web! What state are you in? How many children do you have? If you have looked back at my previous posts, I have two beautiful sons, ages 6 and 9. My email is would love to hear from another apostolic mom!