All belts waiting for Master Allen to join them on the do jang.

Master Allen greets and congratulates the students.

Master Allen reading Adam's certificate aloud, announcing his move to yellow belt.

Receiving his certificate... a proud moment!

Face your mom and smile!

The black belts are the ones who put the new belts on the students.

Removing the white belt. Off with the old...

on with the new.

Look at that! Ain't that sharp?

Closing comments and congratulations from Master Allen.

Proud family!

The official certificate.
It will be interesting to see how he does with the sparring at this level. He really likes this. It is something HE is good at that his brother doesn't do, and it is helping to develop skills like discipline, respect, and good attitude. Together with the Holy Ghost, he's going to grow up into a wonderful young MAN! Great job, Adam! We are so proud of you!
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