Jason drove the van down, sharing driving responsibilities with Dan.
This is perhaps the largest apostolic gathering in North America. There were between 17,000 and 20,000 teens and young adults at this year's youth congress! Awesome!

I particularly like to see our young MEN worship... there is something extra mega powerful about MEN worshipping God...

Our teens having fun during a day session.

Jason and Ben praying together...

Our teens getting ahold of God.... beautiful!

Jason and Ben praying together...

Our teens getting ahold of God.... beautiful!

Binding together in prayer and worship.
Of course... NAYC is also about building relationships with each other as well, not just God. Here are some pics of the teens building their friendships up!

Heidi Ali Travis and John
Here is evidence that our teens got something from God while there. Last night (Sun evening) was their first service in VT since returning. We had a visiting preacher from Canada who came and presented a VERY powerful message on brokenness and the Holy Ghost moved in an incredibly deep way. I was praying, and I had noticed before I got down on my knees that God was moving on my son Adam. When I was done, I looked up and saw two of the teens (Travis and Chris) praying with my son and the pastor's son David. Both David and Adam prayed through and got a special touch from the Lord because Travis and Chris were willing to pray with them until they touched God. THANKS GUYS! You are such a great example for our children... they really look up to you teen guys... stay close to God and don't be distracted. God wants to use you mightily!
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