service in VT and NC and CA
Let's just discuss for a moment what God is doing and saying around this great nation of ours this evening. Let's start right here in Vermont. Our service began with me on keyboard, Nick on drums, and Adam, Stephen, and Amy as my praise singers. They are all between the ages of 8 and 11. And they were worshipping, singing songs like Thank God for the Blood, and Nothing but the Blood, and "we're a hand clapping, foot stomping, tongue talking, holy ghost sanctified church"...and they meant it! It was awesome! We are raising up a generation of children growing up to love the Lord and serve Him and worship Him! Praise God! Anyway, my pastor taught a powerful message about living for God in an age when tolerance is the religion of the hour. He said, "It's not a new religion... the Romans practiced tolerance in the days of Jesus and 1st century Christianity. They were okay with your religion as long as you were okay with theirs." But the Jews of the 1st century were NOT okay with the Romans poly-theistic beliefs, and this frustrated the Romans and consequently the church was persecuted. We are in that type of atmosphere today... a day when we are expected to tolerate all the false religions out there. But true apostolic Christians CANNOT compromise the truth and say, "Well, if your religion works for you, then that's fine." It's NOT FINE! God's Word is full of moral absolutes... absolute truths that cannot be compromised in any way. And we are being pressured to cave in and say, "I believe in ONE GOD, but I'll let you believe what you want if it means you leave me alone." NOT OKAY. Our children in the public schools are being bombarded with lies from this new age demonic spirit every single day. My pastor said that the spirit of Molech (from the old testament days) is NOT dead. Molech is the God that people offered child sacrifices to. Today the spirit is called abortion. NOT dead and gone, just called by another name. We must pray for our children to protect them from the lies of the enemy who wants to take them out. We must pray that our children are bold and full of holy ghost power and wisdom, and that they will recognize the lies, speak out against the lies, and proclaim the truth and SHUT THE DEVIL UP!Okay... moving on to California. I was listening to Pastor Sam Emory preaching live to his congregation in CA this evening online. He was preaching on the ONENESS of God, and it was good! I won't get into it, but he was talking about the Jehovah's Witnesses who came to his house one time. They say........ they say, that wherever it says the word JEHOVAH in their Bible, it can be transliterated (fancy word for substituted) with the word LORD. So, he took their Bible and opened it to the book of Acts chapter 9, where Saul was knocked to the ground on the road to Damascus. He had them read where Saul says, "Who art thou, Jehovah?" He asked them "Can we substitute the word LORD there?" They said, Of course. So Pastor Emory says, "Well then, can you read the next line and tell me what "Jehovah" said?" And the next line says, "I am Jesus, whom you persecute." It was cool! Can't argue with that!!!Moving on to NC, where several thousand teens and young adults are gathered for North American Youth Congress in Charlotte, NC. Our youth group is down there being blessed right now. My husband called to give me the report for the first night service. I do not know who preached this evening, but the text was from 1 Peter 2 where Peter referred to the church as being lively stones... and told the teens to go out and ROCK their world! The point of the message was "not MY will, but THY will be done"..... THROUGH ME! To truly rock the world the way the 1st century church did, we must surrender our will completely to Him. Jason also sent me some pictures via his cellphone... they are what they are... cellphone pictures in a vastly huge DARK arena, but it gives you an idea of how big this place is....
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen... God's message to the body of Christ this Wednesday evening in August... 1. Absolute truth, 2. the oneness of God, and 3. not my will, but thine be done, so I can ROCK the world with the above two messages! God is amazing, and I love Him with all my heart! I hope you do, too! Good night!
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