Right here on the edge, the water was over their knees. Go about 2 more feet, and it's WAY over your head! Very deep!

Across the dirt road from the pond were some rocks.... boys + rocks = MUST CLIMB!!!!!

As we were leaving , we stopped at this beautiful waterfall.

Here's how high it was....

Boys + waterfall = MUST CLIMB! Here are the boys at the top of the waterfall.

Here's my honey in front of the falls...

And THIS.... is Adam and Josh on the ride home as they began singing 100 bottles of pop on the wall..... aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Making memories. The very cool thing about this trip to the middle of nowhere it that we met a man named Brett, and he and Jason discovered they had some mutual friends. They began talking, and we found out what town he was from.... turns out we have a church there... so Jason asked him if he was looking for a church. He was very open to the idea, and we gave him directions to the church and the name of the pastor (DM). How cool would it be if he goes and gets saved???? God is good!
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