Today, it seemed, was the official beginning of winter... it actually snowed! Not tons, mind you, but it's about time! Sandy is none to pleased and wishes it would go away. My mom and Ray are leaving to head back to Florida on Monday, and they are all set... they've had their "family fix", and are ready to be done with cold weather and get back to shorts and flip flops in January. Whatever.
Adam and Daddy went shooting at the range this morning (after a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes, bacon, and OJ) with the male members of the Lyon family. Target shooting in the snow... again, whatever. It's a guy thing. Nick stayed home with mom and played his new gamecube game. Mom took a nap in Grammie Elaine's VERY comfy fleece spiderman comforters she made for the boys. Wow... comfy! I want one for MY bed now!
This afternoon, I logged onto for some campmeeting preaching, and it was a great time! Bro. Klinedinst preached a dynamic message about "getting a clue" about what God has planned for us as the church in these last days. Oooo! It was anointed preaching! I can't think of a better way to spend some "downtime" than filling my mind and spirit with the Word of God. It was great!
This evening, we were headed to my brother's house for a turkey dinner with Mom and Ray, and to celebrate Laura's 8th birthday. On the way there, however, we came upon a head-on collision that had JUST occurred in front of us. Of course, Jason was required to stop and help... he dispatched the whole world and they all came! That included my brother, who is on the fire dept. I called my mom and she said (jokingly) "Thanks for ruining dinner." Of course, she was just kidding. What was really ruined were the two cars in this crash. Totalled. Big time. We eventually made it to dinner and had a wonderful time visiting with mom and Ray before they head out until mid-May.
Finally, after the boys were in bed, I decided to go to Wal-Mart at 9:20 pm to get some rubbermaid containers to pack our Christmas ornaments in so we can dismantle the tree tomorrow. While there, I saw some stackable drawers (clear) that I have been contemplating because I want to desperately get rid of the toy box in the boys' closet. It doesn't fit anywhere in the room (too wide), but these stackable drawers fit perfect at the end of Nick's bed! So.... naughty girl that I am, I bought them, and they are now FULL of toys (two drawers are FULL of laser tag guns and nerf dart guns alone! ). Gotta love having boys. So, now that the toy sorting project is done, and this blogging project is done, I guess I am free to go to bed now. Tomorrow evening is our annual Watchnight Service at church, with pot luck to follow. I love it! Hard to believe 2007 is here already! So, to all my faithful blog readers, I wish you a happy and healthy new year!

Happy New Year to you, Michelle! Just a note to let you know how much I have enjoyed your blog all year. It is so uplifting!
Enjoy your Watchnight Service and potluck. We have ours tonight also, but the brothers fix breakfast for us. Unfortunately, I may not get to go this year as I've been in for a few days with bronchitis.
Love in Christ,
Hope you are well... bronchitis is no fun at all! Watchnight was a powerful time, as usual, with footwashing and communion at the close. God is so good! Thanks for reading... it's great to know it is a blessing to others. :-)
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